A Request to Corporate HRs - There are many talents from average ranking colleges, who are just awaiting for a chance to prove themselves. Our Interaction with such candidates are not meant for manipulating company's process of recruitment. It's all about introducing such candidates for company's kind consideration in their official recruitment process. Candidates can be contacted directly, on their personal emails or on LinkedIn.
We are thankful to all the people, who has supported us (Directly or Indirectly) for this Noble Cause.
"30 Seconds CV" Model is designed to help HRs and Recruiters in finding the best match for their JD without downloading all CVs and analyzing them one by one.
* I am sharing my CV with SalesMatinee for motivating Freshers to understand the importance of inculcating proper Skill Set needed for a particular Job Profile and help them in designing their CV in a professional manner.
* Sharing CV with SalesMatinee doesn't mean that I am looking for a Job Change (if I am already working then, I may communicate directly to Recruiters, when contacted)
* Since, SalesMatinee is an open platform, I allow SalesMatinee to remove my Contact Number from my CV to avoid any kind of inconvenience in future. I would prefer to be contacted by Email.
* I understand that SalesMatinee has no tie-up with any Consultancy or Company, so they are not responsible for giving me any Job Assurance.
* SalesMatinee has not demanded any financial support from me through any mode.
* If I decide to pay to any consultancy who gives reference of SalesMatinee for finding my CV, then I will do it at my own risk, and SalesMatinee is not responsible for that.
* I understand that SalesMatinee is a Non Commercial Platform, so I should not pay money for getting Likes or Comments on my posts, Promoted by them.
Meet our Brand Ambassador, Mr. Aaditya Saha Gupta, Youngest Contestant of KBC - Season - 10 - India's Biggest Television Quiz Show, Hosted by Legend and Evergreen Bollywood Superstar, Mr. Amitabh Bachchan.
Meet KBC, Season - 10, youngest contestant Mr. Aditya Saha Gupta, Ambassador for salesmatinee’s new initiative, "Diamonds in a Coal Mine". During our interaction, Aaditya expressed his passion and hands-on knowledge in developing AI based Applications and his programming language skills.
We hope, this interview, may reach to the industry leaders, who are looking for young and energetic professionals for a great value addition in their business growth.
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